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  • 億達酒行 Billion Wine Gallery
  • 地址:澳門長壽大馬路305號信託廣場地下W舖
    Avenida da Longevidade 305, W-RC Son Tok Garden, Macau
  • 电话:+853 2847 3172
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龍船莊園紅葡萄酒 2016
Chateau Beychevelle 2016
Saint-Julien, France
咨询电话:+853 2847 3172
关 键 词:濃郁,黑果,酒體厚實,波爾多紅酒
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VarietyMerlot, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc

梅鐸分級的四級酒莊,中文名字與酒標上的船和獸頭有關。釀酒葡萄精選自酒莊最好的土地。酒莊一直以優雅和精細的聖朱利安式風格著稱,不過有時候其風格要在 10 年後才得以體現。2016年份更是見證了龍船莊園新酒窖的落成。 入口帶李子和黑莓香,酒體飽滿,口感清新而強勁,單寧絲滑而餘味悠長,“紅酒教父” 羅伯特·派克 (Robert Parker)給予96/100分,適合珍藏。

Médoc 1855 4th classed growths, the Chinese name is referred to the ship and animal head on the wine label. The wine grapes are selected from the best lands in the winery. It has always been known for its elegant and sophisticated St. Julian's style, but sometimes its style will not be realized until 10 years later. The 2016 vintage witnessed the completion of the new wine cellar that allows separate fermentation. With plum and blackberry aromas in the beginning, the wine is full-bodied, fresh and strong, with silky tannins and a long aftertaste. Robert Parker scores it 96/100, which is suitable for collection.