Variety:Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese
意大利的西施佳雅莊園開啟了「超級托斯卡納」之名,拯救了意大利這個 ‘家道中落’ 的釀酒古國。如今莊園已被推崇為全世界最頂級的佳釀之一,以此酒為莊園旗下品牌,混合了法國及意大利兩個產區的葡萄品種,先經過12個月的熟成,再於瓶中陳年3個月,令整體結構緊緻卻有絲滑口感。黑果香氣豐沛,是一款討喜易飲的優雅紅酒。
Italy's Sassicaia established "Super Tuscany" and literally saved Italy, an ancient country of winemaking that was declining. As at today, the estate has been regarded as one of the best fine wines in the world. This wine is the brand of Sassicaia, and a blend of the grape from France and Italy. It is matured for 12 months and extra bottle ageing for 3 months, makes the overall structure is firm and silky. You could enjoy a rich black fruit flavor and the wine is elegant, pleasant and easy to drink.