作為法國隆河區經典酒廠之一,現任釀酒師馬塞爾·吉佳樂(Marcel Guigal)受到羅伯特·派克(Robert Parker)的高度稱讚不已,釀酒師很早便開始使用冷發酵及晚收成等新式釀酒法,而且不採用化學原料,以及極少的翻桶及絕不過濾,並在橡木桶中醇化了18個月之後才裝瓶。酒的色澤呈現深紅色,有紅色漿果、櫻桃以及細緻的橡木香氣,以及胡椒味、辛香料和少許的巧克力的氣味。單寧顯著、酸度有如細絲般的恰到好處,酒體結構完整,是容易親近的一支酒款。
As one of the classic wineries in the Rh?ne region of France, the current winemaker Marcel Guigal was highly praised by Robert Parker. Marcel began to use new winemaking methods such as cold fermentation and late harvest, and did not use chemicals with very few stirring. Barrels are seldomly filtered and are bottled after 18 months of aging in oak barrels. The wine is dark ruby red with red berries, cherries and delicate oak aromas, as well as pepper, spice and a little chocolate. The tannins are obvious, the acidity is just right with a full body structure that is easy to swallow.