1994年,奧利弗樂飛(Olivier Leflaive)決定全心投入自己的酒莊事業,但仍然傳承頂級白酒的釀造工藝,很快便名聲大噪,成為勃根地的知名酒莊之一。酒莊追求優雅、細緻,並不強調力量感,於釀酒過程以最低限度使用木桶,展現清新誘人的風格,此產區帶有新鮮黃油味,常有熟梨和菠蘿,以及更多的熱帶水果風味,酒體結構柔和,並以圓潤飽滿著稱,是標誌著秀麗優雅的葡萄酒。
In 1994, Olivier Leflaive decided to devote himself to his own winery business, but still inherited the technology of wine making, and soon became famous and one of the well-known wineries in Burgundy. The winery pursues elegance and meticulousness without emphasizing the sense of strength. It uses wooden barrels at a minimum level during the winemaking process to show a fresh and attractive style with fresh buttery flavors, often ripe pears and pineapples, and more tropical fruit flavors. The wine body structure is soft, round but full that makes it a beautiful and elegant wine.