酒莊雖不及家族莊園般有絶頂名氣,但奧利弗樂飛(Olivier Leflaive)出的白酒依舊精彩,深受飲家愛戴。酒莊完全採用人工的方式來採摘葡萄,並用溫和的方法進行破皮和氣控壓榨,然後利用沉澱法將不銹鋼罐中澄清的葡萄汁抽取出來。作為勃根地地區的頂級產區,葡萄酒散發著烤杏仁和榛子味香和火石味,還存在牛油,蜂蜜和柑橘類水果。口感像脂肪般豐富令人愉悅。鬆軟和新鮮口感像絲般的平衡中,適合陳存。
The winery is not as famous as Domaine Leflaive, wine produced by Olivier Leflaive is still wonderful and loved by drinkers. The winery picks grapes by hand, and uses gentle methods to break the skins and air-controlled pressing, and then sediment to extract the clarified grape juice from the stainless-steel tanks. As the top producing area in Burgundy, wine from Meursault shows floral and flint aromas of roasted almonds and hazelnuts, as well as butter, honey and citrus fruits. The taste is richfat, and pleasant hazelnut flavor. The silky balance of softness and freshness is suitable for ageing.