位於德國最大葡萄產區的酒莊,以傳統釀酒方法及當地最成功的葡萄 – 雷司令,釀造出口感清爽的酒體,加上葡萄本身的清新的李子、桃子等果香,以及茉莉花香,而且酒精度低,酸甜平衡,十分平易近人。即開即能飲用,非常適合配搭雞肉及辛辣菜式。
Situated in the largest grape-producing region in Germany, the winery uses traditional winemaking methods and the most successful local grape-Riesling, to produce a refreshing wine body, plus the fresh plum, peach, and other fruity aromas of the grape itself, as well as the fragrance of jasmine. , And low alcohol content, sweet and sour balance, very approachable. It can be drunk right once opened, and it is perfect for pairing with chicken and spicy dishes.